Create React Component and publish to NPM

Create React Component and publish to NPM:

//////////////Create React LibRary///////////////
//////////////Create React LibRary///////////////
//////////////Create React LibRary///////////////

1.) install 
    cmd:    npm install -g create-react-library

2.) Create Lib Config 
    cmd:    create-react-library

3.) Now u can see Example Folder(Dummy React app where u can test your plugin)
    Go that folder cd ./Example
    In One Tab
    cmd:    npm start

4.) In Another Tab
    got to main folder where u can see package.json files
    cmd:    npm start

5.) for upload on github

    Note:   create repository in github without files den do following step

            In json file chagnes folowing things based on your repository
                "name": "cui-autoselect-react-ra-lib",
                "version": "1.0.1",
                "description": "Auto select dropdown with various functionality",
                "author": "Author Name",
                "license": "MIT",
                "repository": "",
            i.)    git init
            ii.)   git add
            iii.)  git commit -m "first commit"
            iv.)   git remote add origin
            V.)    git push -u origin master
    cmd:    npm run deploy

6.) for publish on npm     
    cmd:    npm publish


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